
Two way radio scrambler chip pair
Two way radio scrambler chip pair

  1. Two way radio scrambler chip pair install#
  2. Two way radio scrambler chip pair for android#
  3. Two way radio scrambler chip pair windows 7#

AMD doesn't yet have a real tablet chip, and won't have one until at least the launch of the 28nm, Bobcast-based Krishna, which is sub-1W. Realistically, though, the Z series is really much more interesting as a notebook or netbook part than as a tablet part. And given the strength of their GPUs and the dependence of tablet interfaces on GPU processing, it's not unreasonable to expect that they'll be able to deliver a very solid performer for Windows tablets. This is especially true if AMD keeps its positioning as a low-cost alternative and manages to really bring the performance. We're not optimistic about Windows' near-term tablet prospects, and it doesn't look like Intel is, either, but there could be enough of a market there to for a small player like AMD to pursue. Note that Intel barely even mentioned Windows as a tablet OS at their recent event, so AMD will have whatever market that develops all to itself.

Two way radio scrambler chip pair windows 7#

Regardless of whether Windows 7 is a real tablet OS or not (it isn't), AMD is definitely going straight after any Windows tablet market that manages to develop.

two way radio scrambler chip pair

So ultimately, the Z series only works as a "tablet" chip if you believe that Windows 7 is a "tablet" OS.

Two way radio scrambler chip pair for android#

This much hardware and power would be overkill for Android or any kind of real tablet OS.

Two way radio scrambler chip pair install#

So with all of that performance and the high power draw, the Z series is good for one thing and one thing only: running a full Windows install on a portable. Z series takes aim at "tablets"ĪMD also formally launched its Z series of APUs, which the company claims is aimed at "tablets." We put "tablets" in quotes, because the Bobcat-based Z series parts will have a 6W TDP, which is much higher than Intel's Moorestown (which is in the 1W range, depending on what you're doing), and certainly not even close to being in the same league as the sub-1W ARM competition. Whether it beats what Intel will have out at the time is another story, though. Given the strength of the floating-point block in Bulldozer and AMD's prowess at GPU design, it's a fairly safe bet that Trinity will be a gaming and media beast. Of course, a single-core version of the new chip would combine a large floating-point unit, a pair of integer units, and a GPU on a single die-that's three main number-crunching blocks-but the same could realistically be said of all of AMD's APUs, so it's unlikely that the name is connected to the chip's design. There has been some speculation that the "Trinity" name is somehow significant, but this seems doubtful. Not much was revealed about the 32nm Trinity chip apart from the codename, the fact that it combines Bulldozer cores with a GPU, and the fact that the GPU supports DX11.

two way radio scrambler chip pair

("APU" is AMD-speak for a processor that combines CPU and GPU cores on a single die.) The company also launched its Z series chips, aimed at Windows tablets, and announced the official branding for its Llano APUs. In a surprise announcement at Computex in Taiwan, AMD unveiled its plans to produce a Bulldozer-based APU, codenamed Trinity.

Two way radio scrambler chip pair